So I like this blog addy better so I am transfering...
Daylights Saving Time
Why do we still do daylights savings?! It is completly obsolete. Daylights saving was put in place so that farmers would have sunlight when they went out early to work on the fields. we, in general, do not have an agricultural society anymore and even in places where it doesn't exsist the technology to light the fields does. Plus the animals take a while to adapt to the time change (being feed at a different time for example) since they dont run on clocks
Changing clocks is just a hassle that noone needs. Plus that whole losing an hour in spring forward puts everyone in a bad mood.
There is the argument that it saves energy but the energy gained is balanced by people having to cool their houses in the late summer nights.
But seriously, Ben Franklin came up with this idea because he thought we were wasting daylight otherwise. And it was only adopted in the US during War Time to "conserve energy" it was vetoed after two years and reinstilled in the 40s by choice of the states not a federal law. Then Nixon gave us the law as we know it today during the energy crisis. It was extend in a bill in 2005 to take place in 2007 (what we just witnessed)
My personal thoughts? Whilst I am all for energy saving, im sure if a study was done on the effect of daylights savings on energy it would be minimal to none and i feel there are better and less inconvient places to put our energies. Now I realize whining about setting your clock back or forth an hour twice a year is really silly but it can really screw up someones life if they forget to do it! Or their phone does it at the wrong time because it was moved back a week (that's right AT&T I'm talking about you!)
Posted by Carolyn at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Modern Medicine
What has the internet done to medicine?!
For years I have been going to the ER with horrendous pains in my side, occasionally accompanied with fever and vomitting. Noone has been able to tell me what the hell is wrong with me. The only people attempting to figure it out are my family. I have gone through many tests and we are getting closer to a solution (by knocking out what it isn't) because we took the time to research the symptoms on the internet.
My psychiatrist recently started me on a medication and told me to look it up onine and then decide if I thought it was a good solution.
Isn't that why they have teh title of Doctor?! I think it is ridiculous that in our society people can find out more in depth information about what ails them on the world wide web than by goinng to a doctors office and I can figure if this is a positive development or not.
On the one hand it does help you figure out if your condition seems serious enough to go to the doctor or if that strange bump on your leg is just an ingrown hair and perfectly normal. I am sure it is helpful for your doctor if you can walk in and say "i am concerned i may have _____ because these are my symptoms ____ and i was wondering if we could discuss this as well as other possibilities" you are more informed about what is going on in your body.
On the other hand it can lead to negative self-diagnosis and self-medication which could be incorrect. and if the problem is serious enough it could be dangerous to the health of that person if they just ignore it.
I wonder where this will all lead? One day will you just be able to log on the internet, plug yourself into some sort of machine that records your vitals and sends it off to your doctor for diagnosis? will regular doctor visits become obsolete?
Posted by Carolyn at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
So yesterday was the Virginia Senate Election. The Senate as a whole went democrat, which I'm thrilled about because I believe that better represents Virginia's desires as a whole.
But we lost the 37th district as Incumbent Republican Ken Cuccinelli beat challenging democrat Janet Oleszek by 91 votes. 91?! This is just a message to all those who think that there votes don’t matter. I also think there is a huge problem with people not voting for smaller, more local elections. 36,000 votes in the 37th district. The national average for a district's population is 625,000 with at least 1/3 being of voting age. And I would go out on a limb and say our district prolly has a higher than average population so I find it a little sad that 36,000 people voted on what was a pretty important election.
Currently, Cuccinelli represents our district in the Senate. During that time he has voted for Concealed carry on campuses, High driver fees (around 1,000 for speeding) for Virginia State Drivers whilst out of state drives get waved for the same offense, and No background checks at Gun Shows.
75% of the time he votes against conservation efforts in favor of big energy business
He supports the amendment to define marriage as between a man and woman.
He is a leader in the pro-life movement
He believes in allowing religious symbols in public venues, including public schools
He out rightly opposed an event sponsored by George Mason University called "Sextravaganza" in it's first year saying its organizers were lacking moral fiber and that it promoted promiscuity, abortions, and gay sex, even when the organization defended the fact that all sides were to be represented at the event, from abstinence and pro-life, to birth control and free AIDS testing.
The event was a hit and was put on again the following year.
I do not think this accurately represents the views of our sully district and I am saddened that he will be representing us for another 3 years. But I hope this is a lesson to everyone that every single vote counts so get out there and VOTE. Those of you away at school, make sure you get your absentee ballots and get them in on time. It is our right as American's to have a say in who represents us and as those rights are being slowly stripped away be big government in times of crisis we should defend the one that defines us as a democratic society.
Posted by Carolyn at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
So yesterday at work I actually felt bad ringing someone up. I asked Brittany if she ever has that feeling and she said yes, when the person is an asshole. I explained I didn't mean you just didn't want to ring them up, rather you felt like you were doing a bad thing by ringing someone up.
Heres the deal...this woman (who apparently comes in the store a LOT and reguarly purchases suits accroding to Liz) was one of my last costumers last night. And what was she purchasting? You guessed it...another suit, and a sweatervest to go with it. So I do my usual commercial
"and would you like to save an extra 10% as well as continue recieving great cupons in the mail by opening a Limited account tonight?"
"Oh I already have one thank you"
"well just so you know, you are recieving double points on all the purchases you make today"
"Actually... I tore it up one night in an attempt to stop shopping so much, can you look it up for me"
::pause:: "Sure... I just need to you to write down your social security number and the zip code the card is registered to"
So I turn around to the phone and dial the voice authorization system and put the information in and it gives me the account number as well as the current balance and the available credit...
Current balance ... 2,645$
Avalible credit... 250$
My jaw dropped. That is more than I have on my regular credit card yet alone a credit card that can ONLY be used for purchasing in our store. And it's not like it's Sears or something where you could be buying a couch or a's the Limited...just clothes. Cute clothes, but clothes none the less.
So I wrote this information on the piece of paper with her account number and gave it back to her and she promptly dropped it in her bag and I continued ringing her up. She split her purchases in half to use two cupons so I am not 100% sure but I know it was at least close to her total avalible credit.
I just felt bad. I know store sales are supposed to be what matter but we are very customer oriented at our store and I feel like I shouldn't allow my customers to put themselves in debt over the newest pant cut.
This may make me a bad retail employee.
I have also decided I cannot close with Liz anymore becaues everytime we haven't gone green she somehow without even really trying convinces me to buy clothing.
So I think my next show was moved back but I do not think they actually TOLD us. It was on the new audition announcement (for more dancers) and it is on the website... I feel like I should know before that happens. I am a little upset about it. Now my brother and sister won't be able to see it since the only time they could come would be the day after thanksgiving with Amanda being in Chicago and Drew being in LA and I will be getting payed for a week less of performances which is kind of sad. Oh well. Such is the life I guess.
Posted by Carolyn at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
First Post
I could do that whole "first post" thing where I talk about why I have decided to start a blog or who I am or what I hope to accomplish here but the truth is I have no idea. I guess I always thought blogs were kind of fun or interesting and it just seems like a place to jot down random thoughts and occurances and enjoy the possibility of response and debate. who knows. I'll prolly end up writing something out of anger or frustration or something funny and someone will read it and get offended or whatever because that's life right? Oh well... here goes.
Today I worked for 11 hours. Not straight...well not really. and not all at the same job.
Basicially I was working Floor Set at the Limited in Pentagon monday morning because they have very few employees (and even fewer good ones) and no management of their own to speak of and yet are a very high traffic store so we get roped in to come help out. It was 8 hours of hell but it went by fast enough.
Anyway, I went into my own store at 6:30 for my closing shift and it was a damn mess. The floor was nowhere near done, things were strewn looked like a forever 21 with a sale (no offense but that store is a mess). It made me sad. I take pride in things I consider mine and get very attached to things too easily. So I volunteered my services to come in this morning if they needed extra help. 9:13 my phone rings and its Krissy asking me to come in. I gladly obliged (the extra money never hurts. fairfax is expensive)
So by 10am, coffee in hand, I was fixing jewlery. Jewlery is my favorite and least favorite thing to fix.... you see the problem is that whilst jewlery is easy to put away and leaves you with a high sense of accomplishment it is also the thing in the store that gets messed up the easiest and most often. People have this amazing habit of picking up things and knocking everything around it out of place and then putting it back down in a completly other place. please explain to me why people need to pick up a pair of earrings to decide if they like them?
Anyway so I did that until 2 and then left and grabbed a sub at the subway across the hall. I originally grabbed a bag of doritos to accompany my sandwhich (6in. herbs and cheese with mayo, american cheese, and provolone cheese) but in a moment of extreme pride I replaced them and went for the bag of apple slices instead. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to put a shirt on in the morning without going "ew"
So then it was off to Liberty MS. Today was a "club liberty day". Basically a bunch of kids just show up and for the first hour or so we play sports then they get a snack and then we play video games until their parents pick them up around 5:30. You wouldn't believe the amount of money this program has. There are 3 playstation 2s, 4 playstation threes, two wiis, and an x-box 360 as well as all the best school-apropriate but still loved by kids games to go along with them including ddr with at least 6 metal pads, singingstar, guitar hero, many different types of madden, super mario brothers, and so on and so forth and wireless controlers for all the equipment as well as the tvs and rolling stands tehy go with. crazy right? I guess thats why they can afford to pay me as much as they do. I had a nice long discussion/argument with one kid about redskins v. eagles and played a round of wii tennis with him before learning he was autistic... nice guy.
Back to work at the limited 6-close. mostly finished my jelwery except some stuff in the pictures hadn't been unpacked from boxes yet so Liz told me to just replace it with other stuff. I agree with this but it still highly frustrated me because i hate feeling like I have left something half-done or half-assed. not my style.
regardless I left around 11:10 and went to the grocery store and then returned home...
pretty uneventful day with the exception of the kookie customers we get at what should be a very un-kookie clientiel store.
i really wish i could afford a house. or even a town house. apartment living pisses me off. a lot.,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html?from=mostpop
before reading anything decide if the dancer is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise.
more on that next time.