I said I was going to be better about blogging on tour. GUESS THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
I am not going to go through and fill in everything I have missed since I last wrote SO I will just give the main points?
Me, Kevin, Jonny, and Margo went to the Astronaut Hall of Fame in Cape Canaveral while we were staying in Melbourne. It was pretty cool. Jonny was most excited about the G-Force Simulator...
I could not participate due to my massive motion sickness.
Across the street there was the American Police History Museum and Hall of Fame. There was a shooting range and helicopter rides so we wanted to go... BUST. The shooting range was closed and they had "lost their contract" with the helicopter... but there was the fantastic gift shop..

We adventured down to Ft. Lauderdale on one of our last Florida days. I decided to take a break from the sun and go read my time magazine under a shady palm tree. within seconds of sitting down an elderly gentlemen made my aquantence and proceeded to talk to me for a good half hour. Everytime there was a lull in conversation he began a completely different one, everything from places he had lived, to airlines he liked, to the weather in Florida. Unfortunately about half way through the conversation the wind was blowing my magazine pages about and I looked down to straighten them and saw it... sitting there... staring me in the face... standing out against the sand and the dark blue bathing suit...big... old... BALL! so gross.
So after leaving Florida we drove to McLean by way of Lumberton North Carolina. McLean was great for me... I went to Tysons and bought a new jacket, Michael came down the first day and we went to my dads house for dinner. The next day we did a show and afterwards I hung out with Casey for a bit. Then Michael came back down and we went to Gordon Biersch for dinner then watched TV and fell asleep, it was great. The next day my dad came to the show and then we were off to Wilmington, DE
___Wilmington, DE and Staten Island___
Wilmington was cute. We went out one night for Dave's 27th birthday and had a very nice dinner. It was sad to see how damn cold it really was getting... significantly colder than even normal fall weather for the North East.
Staten Island was... interesting. I made last minute plans to meet Adam and Ann in the city for dinner. Well it took over 3.5 hours of crazy shuttle drivers, ferries, getting on the wrong train and ending up in harlem, to actually make it to Ann's place in the Heights. We had some good chinese and talked about people I used to know. good night, but stressful.
How could this not be great?! I was home for 5, count em 5, nights. ohhh man it was fantastic. It was kind of hard because it made me feel like I had been on vacation for the past 3 weeks and now I was home when it was really the opposite. But it was great all the same. I couldn't even really tell you what we did until the last day... a lot of sitting around our house, watching football and food network, and just enjoying each others company in our house. I did some halloween decorating. I really REALLY wanted to clean up the yard a bit and plant some more bulbs up front so I would have some fantastic flowers come spring but it was very cold and rainy the entire time I was home. The last day Alison, Michael, Mike's mom and grandma came and saw my show, they seemed to really enjoy it, then we went out to Lunch at applebees. Afterwards Michael and I spent the afternoon getting our house ready for people coming over for dinner. That night Eric, Brian, Margo, Lindsay, Jonny, and Dave came over for a spagghetti dinner. It was a really great time. I rarely....scratch that...never have friends over to the house since, lets face it, I dont really have any, so it was nice to have people over. Brian also brought over two PUMPKINS that we carved. I wish I had taken pictures but once Brian puts his up I will steal them.
So that leads me to being here in Virginia Beach. My mom came up and we had dinner and did some shopping and then she came and saw the show this morning and then had lunch with me margo and jonny before heading home. It was good times. The shows went mostly well, sadly there were some technical glitches this morning, but the venue is beautiful and the people that work there are nothing short of FANTASTIC. particuarly the wardrobe people, which are the techs I always have the most access too.
Tomorrow we are planning on going out for Halloween which I hope will be fun, though I won't lie and say I am very much looking forward to going home at the end of November.
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