So sometime after our lovely trip to Boston ( I am quickly getting to the point where I am losing track of where I have been and where I am going) we were in White River Junction, VT on the border of NH where we were actually performing (in Lebanon to be exact). We were looking for fun things to do and talked to the nice ladies at the counter about their suggestions, we looked into horse back riding but it was finally starting to get cold and for 40 bucks an hour we figured we could find cooler places on our trip to horseback ride. We also looked at hot air ballooning but we wont even DISCUSS how pricey that was. SO we settled on something free! Specifically, Sugarbush Maple and Cheese Farm! They had a maple walk, a sugar house, and free cheese and maple samplings. PERFECT! So off we went (we being Myself, Jonny, Margo, Jeffery, and Dave)
The first thing we saw upon entering the farm was this handsome fellow...
Margo deemed me the horse whisperer since he kept trotting straight up to me and nudging up against me... I think the color of my coat attracted him!
So then we made our way down to the sugarshack where we learned how maple syrup is made. When we walked out it had begun to snow/sleet fairly hard, hard enough that it stuck around on the ground and my hair! So we decided to venture inside to taste cheese and maple and buy fun things like cheese and maple... I knew it was my kinda place when they had this great shrine to maple syrup!
We all bought way too much cheese and syrup products and then proceeded to the Maple Walk, a brisk walk through the woods where you can see how they make maple syrup during the season. It was lovely!
It was overall a very successful trip :D
The past few days we have been around and about New York City and on two separate occasions I have ventured into the city to see shows.
Day 1 in NYC
Kevin, Jonny, Lindsay, and Myself ventured in from Newark Penn Station on the NJ Transit to NYC Penn Station. Lindsay split off for dinner with friends and Kevin, Jonny, and Myself headed to the newly refurbished time square TKTS booth. Kevin wanted to see August: Osage County but Jonny had already seen it and I wasn't all about paying more money than I needed to to see a show (tickets were only 25% off to August and Kevin ended up just buying a full price ticket anyway so he didn't have to sit in the crap seats) so me and Jonny confired and decided we wanted to see either The Seagull, All My Sons, or Equus so we went up the nice lady at the booth and asked what she currently had the best seats for, her answer was Equus so we each set down out 64 dollars and that was that.
August started at 7:30 since it is so damn long so Kevin headed off to the theatre whilst me and Jonny, having a bit more time, headed to my favorite little spot in Time Square...Bella Vita pizza on 43rd between 8 and Broadway. We got a cheese pizza and shared their FANTASTIC moose/cheesecake/strawberry heaven dessert and walked over to the theatre. We had pretty great seats in the third row of the mezzanine and the show was FANTASTIC. We ran into Eric in the bathroom line at intermission, who was sitting in the Orchestra, and this made meeting up to take the train back together all the much easier. We enjoyed the rest of the fantastic production (seriously, the lights, the direction, the acting, the lights, the script, the innovative horses, and did I mention the lighting?) were all just spot on, really delivered the powerful score and made it really ring even in a modern day. At the end of the show it was Broadway Cares/ Equity Fights Aids (it seems to be everytime I go to the theatre) and ontop of the usual donate this much money and get a signed playbill or this much money and get a signed poster they also did an auction... specifically for Daniel Radcliff's Pants! Someone paid 1 grand for the pants he wore in the show signed by him, if only I had a grand to spend on pants! It was great though and we all met up and took the train home.
Day 2 in NYC:
Last night (4 days after the initial NYC trip I think...) Margo, Kevin, and Myself again ventured into the city in search of cheap tickets and good time. We looked at the student rush and decided to go see All My Sons, and even though Kevin didn't have his student ID since they didnt really seem to care (the didn't even look at mine) we all got our happy 26.50 tickets to the show. Alas it was only 430 at this point and the show wasn't until 7 so me and Margo went to find a salon to get our nails done and Kevin went off to Colony and some other shopping trips. We found a place called Classic Salon on 48th between 5th and 6th that had a special 24$ manicure and pedicure between monday and wednesday so we went! The ladies there were very nice but also very pushy and I made the mistake of mentioning I had thought to get some waxing done before my trip to Key West next week and well needless to say 2 hours and around 100$ each later we walked out of there spiffed up and groomed up. We met Kevin and walked to the theatre. This production...well...wasn't quite as fantastic as the first. First off Diane Wiest wasn't on that night, her understudy was, which is always disappointing. Secondly, poor Katie Holmes was obviously given very little coaching as to how to project on stage so she was forcing and yelling quite a bit and you could hear in her voice it was leaving its mark of damage. Thirdly, and most importantly, all these great actors and this great script were simply swimming through soup trying to fight through what is obviously a very poor directing job. The director is some "innovative" director from Europe. The problem being most European theatre is Presentational whilst American Theatre, especially the plays themselves, are Representational so there was a lot of unfounded acting moments and meandering around the stage as if he was uncomfortable letting them just sit and be in the characters. It was awkward to watch at times but overall I am glad I saw it, and glad I only paid 27 dollars for it.
Sadly whilst in my purse over the past week my Camera got impailed by something and has suffered significant damage to its LCD screen. The screen itself is intact but the pixels behind it show where it got hit and the effects. Needless to say, I need a new Camera.
Two days till I am home for Winter Break!